10 Poses

Yoga has a different meaning to different people, cultures, ideologies etc. My personal yoga practice has evolved so many times I have lost count. It changes day to day, month to month, year to year. I wrote an article in 2013 regarding 10 poses that a person can practice everyday. I recently was reminded of this article and what is so interesting is these are all poses I continue to practice and enjoy most days.

Caveat: Inversions are not recommended if you have high or low blood pressure and or menstruating. It is important to have prior and or current instruction from a registered certified yoga teacher where you have learned proper alignment. Please do not practice head stand or shoulder stand if you have never done it before or are unsure of how to do it as these poses with improper alignment can cause physical harm.

I hope you enjoy and I look forward to your discoveries and insights. Please share, as you know, I believe in the power of community and collective knowledge. I’ll meet you on the mat…

Each pose can be timed for 30 seconds to 1 minute to create a focus or simply enjoyed for however long with the focus being on your breath.
Sukhasana or Siddhasana: (comfortable seat) Set an attention and then simply breath 4 inhale 4 pause 8 exhale
Balasana: (child's pose)
Cat Cow
Adho Mukha Svanasana: (downward facing dog)
Uttanasana: (forward fold)
Prasarita Padottanasana (feet wide forward fold head moving towards floor) OR Sirsasana 1: (head stand)
Balasana (Child's Pose) to Bhujangasana (Cobra) or Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana (Upward facing dog)
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (bridge pose) / OR Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulder stand)
Twist: (on your back which ever version you enjoy)
Savasana: (final resting pose) 6+ minutes would be lovely

Michelle Norris, NBC-HWC

Your board certified guide to all things wellness, healthy living and behavior change.


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