Meditation Myths

I once heard, “asking your brain not think is like asking your heart not to beat…”. Sometimes it is about finding the pockets of quiet between the thoughts even if it is a microsecond. Even if it feels like you were thinking throughout the entirety of your meditation you are still receiving the benefits of your practice. I continue to practice even when I don’t feel the immediate effects because I believe (and science has proven over and over again) it decreases anxiety, helps manage stress, produces growth in areas of the brain associated with memory, empathy, and connection (sense of self). It improves concentration, decreases blood pressure, and enhances immune function. It yields more creativity, productivity, and compassion. Even knowing all of that what inspires me to practice is the idea that I am kinder to myself, my kids, my husband, my family, my friends and all humans. Mind you meditation is not a cure - I still loose it no matter how much I meditate…HA Meditation challenge: choose a time you are willing to meditate say 2 - 5 minutes, anchor it to something you always do, and share the challenge with a human you know will support and hold you accountable. Reach out if you would like more information on how this can help you specifically. Holiday stress is real and so are strategies to help us enjoy more.

Michelle Norris, NBC-HWC

Your board certified guide to all things wellness, healthy living and behavior change.

10 Poses


Pumpkin Pie Waffles